Unhappy Franchisee

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MATCO TOOLS: Unhappy Franchisee Launches RoboCall Campaign

Martin Luther King said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Unhappy Matco Tools franchisee Debbie Solko honored Reverend King’s birthday yesterday by letting freedom (and hundreds of telephones) ring.

Ms. Solko launched the first in a campaign of automated phone calls  promoting awareness and participation of her nascent Matco Tools Distributor’s Association to current and former Matco Tools franchise owners.

Franchisee Protests Go Robo

The Sunday evening “robo-call” was the latest in a multi-prong, grassroots informational campaign by Ms. Solko (aka Lady Matco) and a vocal group of current and former Matco franchisees who complain that Matco Tools uses predatory and fraudulent business practices to recruit trusting franchisees, provide them with an inadequate customer base, and force them into make excessive inventory purchases they neither need nor can afford.

Franchisees complain that Matco Tools then terminates the struggling franchise owner, then resells the franchise to start the cycle all over again.  (See MATCO TOOLS Franchise Complaints)

Debbie “Lady Matco” Solko’s message promotes several ways franchisees can take action, from learning more (by visiting UnhappyFranchisee.com), to joining the Matco Tools Franchisee Association (at LadyMatco.com) to attending their rally in Las Vegas at the end of February.

In the message, franchisee Solko states:

Stand by for a special announcement concerning Matco Tools.

For too long, Matco has unfairly treated its distributors.  But with the formation of the Matco Tools Franchisee Association, all that is changing.

Please log on to www.LadyMatco.com and join.  Simply enter your confidential contact information to receive regular updates and newsletters via email.

Learn about the latest lawsuits filed on your behalf at www.UnhappyFranchisee.com.

Join us in Las Vegas to protest Tool Expo and all the scams Matco uses to get you to buy more tools than you need or your cash flow can afford.

This is the year to get rid of the threat of termination based upon the use of the illegal National Purchase Average.

It’s also the year we make Matco live up to all of their contractual obligations, including giving us 325 tool-buying customers.

We’ve already had an effect on the recruiting efforts.  Just Google “Matco” and see the impact for yourself.

We have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

From Lady Matco and the entire Matco Franchisee Association Team, see you in Vegas!

Click here LISTEN to the Matco Franchisee Association Automated Message.

Matco Tools Franchise Posts & Discussions

MATCO TOOLS Franchise Complaints  June 8, 2011 (3000+ comments)

MATCO TOOLS: Franchisee Alleges Franchise Fraud (Video)  January 4, 2012

MATCO TOOLS: Lady Matco Speaks Out (Video)  January 1, 2012

MATCO TOOLS Franchise Defenders Speak Out December 7, 2011 (Comments defending Matco invited)

MATCO TOOLS Distributor Franchise December 7, 2011 (Overview with links)

MATCO TOOLS Franchise Report Alleges Distributor Churning  November 29, 2011

MATCO TOOLS 2011 Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) & Other Resources  November 22, 2011

MATCO TOOLS Class Action Lawsuit, “Secret” Sales Projections  November 22, 2011

FRANCHISE LAWSUIT Alleges Matco Tools Scam, TD Bank Fraud  November 15, 2011

Failure Rates of the 10 Most Popular Franchises  April 26, 2010



To contact the author and site admin, email UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail.com


4 thoughts on “MATCO TOOLS: Unhappy Franchisee Launches RoboCall Campaign

  • Pingback: MATCO TOOLS Distributor Franchise [UPDATED] : Unhappy Franchisee

  • I just shut down my business after 18 months and $85K, I was unable to pay myself a dime for personal living expenses. The business was paying for itself ie Matco, Trans Lease, Crane Agency were all being paid but I was working 10-14 hours per day for free. When I signed the original agreement we had yet to finalize my “List of Calls”, My DM said not to worry as we could make changes later. To the day I handed in my 30 day notice we had yet to agree to a “List of Calls”. I feel that although Matco does provide a decent product and excellent delivery their Distributors bear a larger portion of the burden than they should. It is apparent that their mentality is “sign em and churn em” In Dec I was ranked 516 in the nation but was not able to pay myself anything unless I didn’t pay my tool bill or something else. I expected at least an acknowledgment of so kind from Corporate after giving my notice to terminate our agreement and instead it was nothing. I had to ask my DM if they got my notice to ensure I was adhering to the agreement and he didn’t have a thing to say other then let me get some pictures of your truck to show to some new recruits they had on the hook.

    After all is said and done I agree their money is earned by signing up new distributors not retaining existing ones.

  • I was scammed

    Call Jerry marks ASAP. search marks & Klein I. Red bank nj. You may be able to recover some money back… Don’t wait… Call

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