TERIYAKI MADNESS Franchise: “Why I Didn’t Buy”

The Teriyaki Madness franchise company made a number of changes last year, including moving its headquarters to Denver in February and naming Michael Haith (Franchise Sherpas, Maui Wowi, Doc Popcorn) CEO in August.

(UnhappyFranchisee.Com) Teriyaki Madness is a 15-unit quickservice chain that claims to be on the verge of aggressive expansion.

We have discussed some of the controversies surrounding Teriyaki Madness in previous posts:

TERIYAKI MADNESS Franchise Warning

TERIYAKI MADNESS Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD), CA Impoundment Order

Recently, an UnhappyFranchisee.Com reader who had seriously considered becoming a multi-unit franchise of Teriyaki Madness shared his experience with the company’s sales process and personnel.

In the end, Teriyaki Madness salesman Mike Edwards dismissed him as a candidate, allegedly saying that he was “too corporate.”  Our prospective franchisee interpreted that as meaning he asked too many good questions.

Here’s what our intrepid Franchise Shopper shared with us.

[Disclaimer:  “Franchise Shopper” states that the following comments are simply his opinions and his interpretations of what he was told.  He could be wrong.  It’s up to each prospective franchisee to do their own due diligence.]

Teriyaki Madness Profitability Claim May be Inflated

Franchise Shopper wrote:

My background is varied.  I spent 15 years working as a bank commercial lender.  In that capacity, my job description required expertise in all areas of client due diligence, including financial, company management, market conditions, competition and other pertinent analyses & investigations for the purpose of providing term loans and working capital.  Over the past 15 years, I have been involved in the start-up of several businesses, including one which now trades on the NYSE.  I am self employed as an entrepreneur in the real estate industry in Dallas / Fort Worth.

Over the past five years, I have been looking at franchises for the “right” opportunity.  Last year, I began to analyze Teriyaki Madness as an attractive franchise possibility. The company boasts healthy, casual fast food. Mike Edwards, the company’s franchise salesman, told me that a franchisee can expect to make net earnings before taxes and debt service (if any) between 18% and 22%.  These returns were almost “too good to be true,” so I pursued the investment, filling out forms, and asking questions.  I spent scores of hours reading about Teriyaki Madness and traveled to Austin, Texas, to the only Teriyaki Madness store in Texas, to try the menu and talk to the owners or manager.  The food was good.

Teriyaki Madness’ claim of 18% – 22% profit may be inflated.  After more research, the 18% to 22% is from one of the two stores owned by the founders.  That store does not pay the 6% royalty, or the range would be 12% to 16%.  I don’t know if the store pays the 2% marketing fee.  If not, that would reduce the net earnings range to 10% to 14%.  Of course, there are additional fees & obligations including spending $15,000 a year “locally” on marketing – that’s another 2%+, depending on sales, and an “audit fee” which can be another 2%+.  These fees, if not paid by the founders’ store, would reduce their net earnings range to 6% to 10%…and this does not include taxes or debt service interest. And I’m not sure if their numbers include store managers’ salaries.

1 of Founders’ 3 Teriyaki Madness Locations Failed

Teriyaki MadnessFranchise Shopper wrote:

One of the concerns I brought to Mr. Edwards’ attention was regarding some of the negative comments about the food quality found on Yelp.  Mr. Edwards responded that he “doesn’t pay any attention to those type of websites.”  He went on to say that the individual stores are seeing year over year growth and that is good enough for him.  I asked Mr. Edwards how many stores have failed.  He said two, one owned by a franchisee and one owned by the founders. (This significant when one understands the founders only opened three stores.)

So, the founders opened three stores.  One failed and was closed.  One has reached $1 million in gross annual revenue.  So, one would ask, “If the Teriyaki Madness stores are making 18% to 22%, why not open more stores (Panda Express & Chipotle–100% of locations are corporate owned.  McDonald’s corporation owns 20% of its stores…similar to Wendy’s, Burger King, etc.)

Franchise Conference Call Was Disorganized & Weak

Franchise Shopper wrote:

I was invited to join a conference call two weeks ago which, I was told, would include about a dozen other prospective franchisees.  No one was on the call.  I was later contacted and told that there were technical problems….  The call was rescheduled for last week.  The call was simply prospective franchisees asking questions.  There was no format.  There was no agenda.  One of the founders was on the call, together with 2 existing franchisees.  One of the franchisees opened his store about three to four months ago.  The other franchisee has two stores.  Unfortunately, the latter franchisee was only on the call a brief time as “his mother-in-law was in town to have dinner.”  The company’s CEO, Michael Haith, who, I was told, is a “franchising expert,” was surprisingly not on the call…surprising because Teriyaki Madness only has about 13 locations (4 of which recently opened) and the prospective franchisees on the conference call potentially represented a doubling or tripling of the company’s stores.

When I asked about the “expected time to break even,” the founder, Eric Garma, was clearly uncomfortable trying to answer the question, saying that “it depends on so many variables.”  When he was asked about how many stores have reached the key goal of $1 million in gross annual revenue, Mr. Garma said maybe three or four stores.  My understanding is that only one of the two stores owned by the founders has achieved $1 million in gross annual revenues and that was only in recent years.

If Teriyaki Madness is so Profitable, Why Aren’t They Opening Company Stores?

Intrepid Franchise Shopper wrote:

It seemed obvious to me that the founders were unable (incapable?) of building a solid financial future by owning and managing Teriyaki Madness restaurants, otherwise, wouldn’t they own more stores?  The amount of profits available to the three founders from one strong earnings store and one weaker store would probably be less than $60,000 each, by my calculations. But, the founders had begun to create some slick branding and are now looking to franchising for the financial future, apparently not income from “lucrative,” company-owned Teriyaki Madness stores. They seem to be saying by their history and their business model “We can’t make a strong financial living from owning and managing the Teriyaki Madness brand we are building, but maybe others can, so let’s make our money from franchising…but we don’t know anything about franchising, so we will turn over full day-to-day control of our company to an outsider, Michael Haith–make him CEO, and we will submit to his leadership so we can make millions of dollars from the success of others.”

Of course this is just my opinion… I could be wrong.

Teriyaki Madness Doesn’t  Like Too Many Questions

Franchise Shopper wrote:

I put together a simple list I entitled “Concerns” and sent it to Mr. Edwards for discussion purposes.

Here is a brief sketch of the concerns I listed for Mr. Edwards:

1.  Why did the founders hire Michael Haith to be the company’s CEO (particularly since Mr Haith is a principal in two or three other companies)?

2.  Pls tell me what you know about Franchise Sherpas & their two clients: Maui Wowi & Doc Popcorn.

3.  Why don’t the founders open more company-owned stores?

We were set to have a call yesterday morning.  I started by asking why Mr. Haith did not join the conference call last week. Mr. Edwards stated, “Mr. Haith does not work with franchisees.”  I was very surprised and pressed to understand more.  At that point, Mr. Edwards curtly replied, “You are too corporate for Teriyaki Madness.  You are not a good fit.”  And the call ended abruptly.

My belief is that I have a stronger investment-underwriting background than the typical prospective franchisee.  I asked too many delving questions.  I quoted UnhappyFranchisee.Com and a few other references as the basis for some of my “concerns.”


Franchise Shopper’s Advice:  Investigate Before Investing

Franchise Shopper wrote:

The Teriyaki Madness’ franchise salesman’s  response to immediately disqualify me should be a warning to others.

I guess my message to a prospective investor in a Teriyaki Madness franchise would be to do your homework.  Ask questions about management (one was a young banker, the two other cousins were in the “IT” business).  Ask about Michael Haith’s background and the background of his other companies.  Ask about Mr. Haith’s job description and ask to speak with him about his vision for the company.  Ask for and insist on seeing the financial information on the founders’ three stores.  Inquire why the one store failed (this store represents one-third of the founders’ entire restaurant experience. Ask why only one of three stores has reached the company-goal of $1 million in annual gross revenue.


Ask why the founders have not opened another founder-owned store over the past six+ years…if the Teriyaki Madness brand has so much potential….   Look at detailed income statements.  Compare those numbers with a franchisee store which pays royalty fees, marketing fees and other required costs so that you have the whole picture.

Question everything with a skeptic’s eye.  Good luck!

Also read:

TERIYAKI MADNESS Franchise Warning

TERIYAKI MADNESS Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD), CA Impoundment Order


Tags: Teriyaki Madness, Teriyaki Madness franchise, Teriyaki Madness franchise complaints, Teriyaki Madness franchise warning, Rod Arreola, Michael Haith, Franchise Sherpas

14 thoughts on “TERIYAKI MADNESS Franchise: “Why I Didn’t Buy”

  • Common Sense

    They have 3 locations and claim they will have 100 by 2016.


  • Actually the three units referred to were just those opened by the founder. I guess they have 15 now, so only 15 fewer than they had “hoped” in September to have by the end of the year. How could they have planned to open 15 units in the following 3 months and only open 1?

    From Denver Business Journal, Sept. 2014:
    “Teriyaki Madness now operates 14 locations in five states, including one in Denver at 2720 S. Colorado Blvd. But after agreeing to bring on Franchise Sherpas Inc. of Greenwood Village as an equity partner and signing a number of recent franchise agreements, officials hope to have 30 units open by year’s end and 100 stores operating by 2017.”

    Franchise Sales guy Mike Edwards discussed above is listed as CEO of Rain Tree, an outsourced franchise sales group that lists as clients such franchises as H.U.M.A.N. Healthy Vending (ugh), Maui Wowi & Doc Popcorn (recently sold to Dippin’ Dots). Also Wag’n Wash & Handyman Matters.

    Most of those franchises have been featured on UnhappyFranchisee.Com. We’ll keep an eye on anything RainTree, Franchise Sherpas and Michael Haith are selling.

    On the positive side, it looks like since Michael Haith & friends invested, Teriyaki Madness no longer has to include the warning on its FDD cover page that that the franchisor is $25,000 in the hole. That’s good, right?

  • Common Sense

    Admin –

    If you search Teriyaki Madness you’ll find press releases and articles with dubious prognostications for growth.

    Some said they would have 25 units by 2014.

    Others 100 units by 2015.

    Projections on franchise growth should be based on franchise agreements signed and development schedules. Not what sounds good in a press release.

    It seems that Teriyaki Madness is unaware that all their predictions are searchable on the new fangled internet thing everyone is talking about.

  • Good points, Common Sense

    I like comparing the press release hype, prepared by the marketing team, with Item 20 of the Franchise Disclosure Document, prepared by the attorney (one would hope).

    The 2014 FDD stated that “Projected Openings as of December 31, 2013” for 2014 was 15, the same number listed under “Franchise Agreements Signed
    But Outlet Not Opened.”

    At the end of 2013 it lists 8 outlets open, so it would be fair to assume at least 7 franchise fees were paid more than a year ago for outlets that haven’t yet opened. Single unit franchise fees are $40K, Multiple Unit Ffees are $30K – $33K.

  • Your advice is absolutely correct to ask any and all questions necessary to obtain transparency and comfort for any franchise system you are researching. Perhaps Mr. Edwards didn’t fully explain TMAD’s strenuous franchisor selection process (1 out of approximately 20 applicants is granted a franchise) that enables TMAD to grant franchisees to those whom we believe will have sustained success within TMAD’s franchise system. Please feel free to contact any of our team at 303.997.0730 for answers to any questions/speculations you may have about Teriyaki Madness.
    Michael Haith, Chairman/CEO of Teriyaki Madness

  • Franchisor CEO MBA CFE

    Well Michael I think you’re full of it.

    You don’t grant franchises like a king or a municipality. You sell them.

    So stop with the crap.

    And you can take your phoney baloney projections of unit growth and put it where the sun don’t shine. You will have to go to Google and pick the one of many that are published out there.

  • Thanks Michael Haith for providing this teaching moment.

    For those of you who don’t know the clever spin franchise sales guys put on things, there’s such a thing as a “closing ratio.” So, for instance, if a franchise salesman is able to close 1 out of every twenty prospects he gets to fill out a full application he has a 20:1 closing ratio. That’s what the insider’s call it.

    Now the slick franchise salesmen pretend that that closing ratio and, say, that franchise salesperson’s inability to close 19 out of 20 prospects is actually “selectivity” on their part. Sales guys turn it around and say they only “accept” 1 out of 20.

    Michael Haith states “Perhaps Mr. Edwards didn’t fully explain TMAD’s strenuous franchisor selection process (1 out of approximately 20 applicants is granted a franchise) ”

    Also note that franchise sales guys are trained to say franchises are “awarded” or “granted” never how they refer to it internally: “sold”

    This is the way these guys roll. Very slick. An answer for everything. Love it. Thanks Michael.

    Notice how Mr. Haith doesn’t address “Franchise Shopper”‘s question: If Teriyaki Madness is so profitable, why aren’t they opening any themselves? Why isn’t Mr. Haith opening a few cash cows of his own?

    Go ahead Michael. Say how you believe in dedicating every available resource to franchisee support. You know you want to. Go ahead… ;)

  • I had also looked into Teriyaki Madness. This was right about the time that Michael Haith took over as CEO and I had already spoken with Mike Edwards a couple of times. He didn’t mention anything about Michael Haith taking over as CEO. I had to bring it up and he went right past it like it was a non-event.

    I already had some concerns about how long their Las Vegas stores took to get to $1 million milestones – most of them were open 5-6 years before they hit $1 million. Then I started to look at this site to see what Maui Wowi franchisees were saying and how that concept has gone downhill and I made up my mind that I wanted nothing to do with TMAD.

  • Jacoub

    Michael Haith and Team at Teriyaki Madness are full of lies! They are professionals at taking advantage of folks looking to build a solid future. The reason why they pick and choose, they do not want anyone highly educated with cash, they prefer buyers with little knowhow and some money they can take advantage of…
    Do your homework before losing everything you have…

  • Manolo Schwartz

    Teriyaki Madness has 44 units in their Item 20 shown as open as of 2018 and they had 8 franchises 2016-2018.

  • Michael Haith and Team at Teriyaki Madness making people fooled. They are professionals at taking advantage of folks looking to build a solid future and provide inappropriate profit numbers. I wish i could have done homework before invest into this fraud and lied guys. They also done wrong facebook advertise to says high margin profit and average sales million dollar but in realistic don’t see more than 4-5 stores out of 50-55 whatever alive and survive stores. If they continue use this kind policy will be shutdown and bankrupt in 2-3 years whole franchisee.

  • I checked out their page today.
    There are quite a few open units. There are also many “temporarily closed”. I don’t know if that is due to Covid 19. Also a bunch of “Coming Soon”.

    Reminds me of a mall that got built using government funds to redevelop blighted areas. The mall was built literally in a corn field. When they said “blighted areas” I doubt they meant corn blight. When the mall opened it had a bunch of empty spaces. These spaces would have signs saying things like “Men’s Fashions Coming Soon”. They seemed to just pick different kinds of stores at random and claimed they were on their way. After about 5 years they removed the “Soon” from all the spaces.

    So are the Coming Soon TM’s actually sold franchises or just wishful thinking?

  • Clarence

    IFPG International Franchise Professional Group represents this franchise

  • Michael Haith is a pathetic lying piece of shit with no social or people skills whatsoever. His franchising techniques are a failure and support team is a joke. Dont trust him as far as you could throw him. He only has his own best interests in mind and doesn’t care about his franchisees at all. He is not personable or approachable. He is just simply a scam artist. Maui Wowi was a big failure and teryaki madness will follow suit. He has no idea how to support and scale.

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