Unhappy Franchisee

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SNAP-ON TOOLS Franchise Complaints

SNAP-ON TOOLS Franchise Complaints. The Snap-on Tools mobile tools franchise has been plagued with franchisee lawsuits.

The 2011 Snap-on Tools FDD (SNAP-ON TOOLS Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)) lists nearly 40 lawsuits by franchisees in the last ten years, including a class action lawsuit (settled in 2006) that cost Snap-on Tools $38 million in settlement fees, attorney fees and other costs.

Snap-On ToolsAccording to the Snap-on FDD “This complaint set forth various alleged deceptive practices, sought to represent a class for current  and former franchisees and independent dealers, sought injunctive relief, and contained counts for alleged violation of RICO, state statutes prohibiting deceptive trade practices, deceptive franchise practices and consumer fraud, common law fraud, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.”

According to some, the franchise litigation forced Snap-on to address and fix the problems with its franchises, and become a better company.

However, others contend that major problems with the viability of the franchise opportunity and the franchisor’s attitude toward its franchise owners still persist.

jim lager writes:

They(Snap-on) does take advantage however of new naive dealers if allowed…. Snap-on loves fresh meat.

I have 5 [Snap-on] franchises  i am trying to sell off franchises and there is no value what so ever in my business. Snap-on does everything they can to inhibit the sale diminish the value… I don’t know many 13 year veterans in Snap-on running great numbers.

Judge writes:

they have the power to put you in business and can take you out. I been a tool man for some time now. When I talk to old timers that been in 25 years or more they all tell me the same thing. The company lost touch with what we are doing out here. It’s all about numbers and that’s it… I think these tool companies got too comfortable letting other people like ourselves do all the hard work and they just collect money.

Are you a Snap-on Tools franchise owner or former franchise owner?  Do you have franchise complaints, or advice for prospective Snap-on dealers you can share?

Or do you think the Snap-on Tools franchise is a great opportunity with a dedicated franchisor?

Please share a comment below, positive or negative.


Contact UnhappyFranchisee.com

To contact the author or site admin, email UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail.com.

More on the Snap-on Tools franchise:

SNAP-ON TOOLS Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)

Mobile Tool Franchise Guide: List of Calls (LOC)

218 thoughts on “SNAP-ON TOOLS Franchise Complaints

  • X-Dealer
    Of course they took the $40K and had you sign the release…you see as soon as you hire a lawyer Snap On knows that $150K is gone-they will never see a dime of that money AND they may have to pay you a settlement as well. The debt in most cases is negotiated away.
    Now they know that there is very little chance of recourse against them in the future should you decide to pursue them for fraud…

    hope you did not lose too much in the end…

  • X-Snapon Dealer


    Yea you are correct and unfortunately I didn’t realize that until after the release was signed away….
    I was made to believe that i only had that as a possible option but otherwise it’d be my life screwed forever…. or however you want to look at it.

    I’m in the whole about $120k from it i’d say… hard to say exactly but it’s not pretty.
    I believe the contract was fraudulent because the $30k “blue sky” was in the paperwork and there was no official product to back up the value or part numbers for the $30k . So the fact that the business manager was aware of it is enough for me to pursue them! It’s unbelievable that he or anyone who knows of such things is able to sleep at night!

    Talking to the guy who to over my route…. he has been in the route now for 2.5 years and is a gateway….considering getting out… .
    they make you believe that it just must be you… everyone else is booming… not sure what your problem is… that’s what i was told… as i’m doing $9200 a week in paid sales and a pretty decent RA book at that…… unbelievable!

  • there are so many ways around this release of liability. Your wife could sue, you might even be able to go after the dealer and Bus. manager themselves. I am so glad you contacted me and we can share this story. Snap-on management has to be held accountable for their ethics. The sad thing is I am getting emails on a daily basis from terminated dealers and it all revolves around unethical or incompetant business, regional and asset managers. I knew there were bad managers in Snap-on but wow is the problem widespread. I can’t help if there is a class put on teaching how to strech ethical boundrias to fill another route.

    any dealer who needs help please go to http://www.mobiletooldealersassociation.com or email me directly at jlager7@att.net

  • Current uk dealer

    Does anyone know how we stand legaly with Snap On turning a blind eye to dealers selling into another dealers area, is this in breach of the franchise agreement ??

  • Todd A. Peterson

    Who told you you had a territory?

    Have you read your F.D.D.?

    Why would Snap-On let another franchisee call on a shop that is in the middle of your route?

    Does that franchisee have the same agreement as you?

    Do older Snap-On distributors have to play by the same rules as new franchisees?

    Is it fair for a new franchisee with a DIFFERENT arrangement to have to compete with an old franchisee who might have a different agreement?

    Are there laws in some states which protect new franchisees from false terminations on purchase averages which say that all franchisees must be treated equal and have to compete fairly?

    As a franchise owner if you have an issue with Snap-On can you bring your issue to a court room?

    If a Snap-On Manager steals from you and Snap-On lets him can you sue Snap-On?

    If Snap-On demands you let this guy have that shop in your area do you have the right to have your day in court with a judgement of a jury?

    When you signed your franchise agreement did you empower Snap-On to treat you criminally and get away with it?

  • The following article and story was posted on Snap-on’s forum and within 24 hours Snap-on pulled it down. Snap-on management is hiding their lack of ethics and inability to recruit honostly. Take a look at the following story and tell me please why Snap-on upper management would take this down off their forum. Are they hiding the truth?

    About a year ago I created the Mobile Tool dealers association to try to help and represent struggling and wrongly terminated dealers. There are now more than 800 members accessing the information posted on the site showing the real Snap-on tools that show managements lack of ethics and twisting of truths. Just in the last few months I have been contacted by more than 50 current or terminated dealers asking for help in their situation. The story always starts with one of these three people telling them (the dealers) some gross misinformation. “My Business manager or my regional manager or my asset manager said……”,
    I am going to tell you one dealer’s story. From this story and the others, I am not detailing here, as well as information I have gotten from current dealers in the know with Upper level management, I have learned that:
    1. Field management, from Regional and Asset management and down is completely incompetent and breaks any and all so called rules and ethics to perform and to hit bonus’s and succumb to pressure from upper management.
    2. Upper management, Specifically Larry Hamrick only has one means of measurement. That is top line sales. As long as top line sales is up, all else is justified. This is Larry’s answer to everything that is presented by NFAC members and this answer is never challenged with lack of dealer profit and ethics from management.
    Please read the following story and ask if Snap-on needs to change how they do business.
    A dealer on the east coast recently contacted me through the Mobile Tool dealers association. This young man was a second van for a multi-franchise dealer. He chose to buy his route from the dealer and run his own business. The problem was, the multi franchise wanted $30,000.00 blue sky. After paying Snap-on $30,000 plus in down payment for inventory and R/A, this dealer could not afford to pay cash for the blue sky. Understand Snap-on will not finance anything other than Inventory and R/A.
    So the business manager said no problem, we will just falsify your Inventory and R/A giving you less than what the closing documents say you have allowing the multi franchise to get paid an extra $30,000 from Snap-on credit. Within months, after doing an inventory for this young man, the asset manager asked him why his equity was completely upside down. Nothing was done to help the dealer at this point. After being a dealer on his own for just 11 months, he checked in with a deficit of $140,000.00. That same Business manager that created fraudulent documents covering the blue sky, took this dealer aside and said if you offer to pay Snap-on $40,000.00 and sign a release, that he will likely make the $140,000 debt go away, so this dealer went and took out a personal loan and trusted the Business managers advise and did just that.
    If Larry Hamrick really cared about dealers, he would look at the system that surrounds management and the support for the dealers. Does this system create fraud and unethical decisions that negatively affect peoples? I have dozens of stories of BM’s, RM’s and Am’s completely cheating and lying to prospective and current dealers that have led to huge failures. Why is this happening? Why don’t we as dealers stand up to management and force them to change?????

  • 3 out for snap-on dealers that I dealt with were not pleasant to deal with. They were unprofessional and rude. The most recent change brought a good representative. I hope he stays for long time.
    I now understand why 3 dealers changed in 5 years in my area.

    x-dealers, I am looking for DSS (Scanbay) software that came on DVD disk(s) with each new update. I don’t need the latest one. I only need files – no need for physycal disk. If you have one and willing to share it (for compensation) please send me a note at [redacted]

  • I was interested in buying one of these franchises.
    Glad I found this before I signed up.
    Thanks to you all for the info.

  • Its a scam

    You welcome Tim… Let us know if you look at something else

  • current uk dealer

    On a lighter note ,Snap On has been the best thing that has happened to me.
    From a spanner tapper to running my own business,and payed up within 16 months.

    I guess its all down to luck getting a good area and keeping a positive mental attitude.I have seen people that I did my training with fail due to not following
    the program ( dont try to re-invent the wheel ).
    This is only my thoughts and reading this back it sound like I have been brain washed.
    But it has worked for me,Im sorry to here about all the horror storys .But there are always too sides to every story…

  • Russ Binder

    Are ANY of these companies GOOD? I went to a MAC tool open-house last night. I asked many questions about things right off this website, while I had the website open, right in front of them. They said that the unhappy folks are typically those who can’t manage their cash flow properly (spend it vs. reinvest) and that the problems listed were all not true (short supply, route disputes, pricing problems).

    They wanted to go through a big break-even exercise with me, but I don’t care about that. I want to make a ton of money, or forget it. If I’m going to even think about risking investing in this or anything else like it, it’s got to have a $200K/yr. net profit be reasonably possible by the end of the second year. I can’t say I see that.

    Also, are all these companies “technology-challenged?” They use what looks like old software to track their sales, the trucks don’t use the bar codes on the tools, and having an iPhone or Android app is “coming, but we can’t say when.”

    Also, they say the truck guy can’t sell on the internet, yet the company does. My approach would be to immediately open up an Amazon and eBay store, as well as sell at the local auto swap meets.

    And why can’t a truck support a store front? The deal is “SELL TOOLS” right? Yet they have DeWalt in every Home Depot and Lowes (kind of a big store front) and the truck MSRP’s are HIGHER – not good.

    So, tell me, who in this business has a five-star rating?

  • Organized

    Forget about the tool biz or any Franchise in general, this is NOT a $200,000 dollar a year business…most dealers average between $40K-$80K and a select few over $100K Net Net

    Of course the reps are going to poo poo this website, they do not want you to know the hard truth of the tool business…also if it is such a GREAT business then why dont they have a truck AND the guys that show up with those brand new trucks (loaded with debt) are not going to tell you the exact truth because they really have no clue how well their business is actually doing…

    ALL dealers are trained to tell you that “business is great, couldn’t be better”

  • The enlightened one.

    Read the F.D.D.!

    See where it says if you have a problem with the way your franchise is being treated that you agree to arbitration in Ohio. Arbitration is a process where there is no jury and a retired judge gets paid to reign American Corporate justice on you. You want a quick answer from Mac on how far you can trust them? Ask them for the last 7 years of F.D.D.’s which will give you 10 years of Mac franchisee statistics. Calculate the average of all the franchisees over a 10 year period. Now look and see how many franchisees have invested in a Mac franchise and failed for what ever reason over the course of 10 years. I don’t what the facts will be but odds are you will see that Mac has rolled their franchisee head count 2 to 3 HUNDRED percent over 10 years.

    All that would need to happen for this to be true would be for Mac to have 200+ franchisees a year lose their franchise.

    If there are only 1000 Mac franchisees in routes throughout the United States and 200 year lose their franchise that would be a 200% chance your franchise would not last 10 years.

    Go to Vegas! Your odds are much better there!

  • The enlightened one.

    Take the F.D.D. they give you and look at the three year average.

    If there is 1000 Mac franchisees on average and Mac loses 200+ a year that would give you a 60% chance of not owning your franchise after 3 years.

    You would be better off calling Obama and giving him your money in exchange for his birth certificate. The odds of you succeeding would be better.

  • Russ Binder

    Thank you for the responses. I did ask for the FDD…as I was signing in to the meeting. I also asked if the franchise vs. distributorship fight was settled (yes, franchise, beyond question they said), and a lot of other very pointed questions.

    The meeting was a bit odd, too, in that it ran from 4-8 pm, and I arrived at 6. From 6 to 8:30 I was the only visitor. I was talking to 6-7 guys at a time. I wondered if this is such a great deal, where were all the others interested in this?

    I’m going to pass on the tool-truck franchise, as it seems like it would be very difficult to net more than I make now, and nearly impossible to get to $200K after expenses, before income tax. The only way would be on the used tool buy-sell spread x volume, and that’s unreliable. The rest of the deal has too many rules and restrictions and, like you all say, too many failures and dropouts and

    I’m going to meet up with the same guys at the NHRA race this weekend for a bit. There I’m going to pitch them something else that might be a better deal for us both. I’m hoping I can get to talk to at least some level of decision-maker.

    I’ll also take a look at the 10 year FDD’s, do the calculation you recommend, and post it afterwards. I’m really most interested, in this proposal, about the number of shops and people they have, the per-person spend levels, the age skew, etc. That is likely information from a different source.

    We’ll see…

    Thanks again for the replies.


  • Franchise scam

    It’s a scam going with snap on. If your reading this don’t do it. The failure rate is around 70% your first 2 years

  • The enlightened one.


    Ask Snap-On two questions before you commit:

    1) How many franchisees that sign up this year in a Snap-On franchise will still be in business 3 years from now? I bet the answer is- I don’t know but I can give you a list of happy franchisees that love what they do.

    2) Ask them how long you have to back out after you sign your agreement and return your product for a FULL REFUND? I don’t know for sure the answer to this one but I bet they won’t give you a FULL REFUND of the cost of inventory and I bet they tell you a lot of your product is truck worn and won’t refund for certain tools. Even though a 1/3 to 1/2 of your inventory will come from CHURNED victims of Snap-On scam.

  • The enlightened one.

    Snap-On just like all the other tool franchises only talks in a positive light and does not answer the TOUGH questions. They steer you away from answers they don’t want to give you which may bring out the truth of what they offer. A SCAM! Call ten folks at random off that F.D.D. and ask them if they love their job? Then ask them how much money they make a year? How many hours they work to be successful and how many shops they added to their route and what forms they had to fill out to keep their added stops. The answer would shock the IFA, FTC and honest franchise businesses.

  • Franchise scam

    The enlightened one is right. If it is such a great job ask your recruitor why they aren’t driving the truck? It is because they know its a crappy job and its much better working for the company making a decent salary with benefits. Also keep in mind there is a Claus in your Franchise Agreement you should pay close attention. It will usually say something in the lines of fees, or any other changes could occur at anytime without notice. Basically the Franchise can do whatever they want and there isn’t anything you can do about it. So again if your thinking about this franchise take these things into consideration. I wouldn’t do it if I was even offered a deal to go back.

  • D&S auto repair

    Our grage is in madisonville, pa. 18444 phone [redacted] we bought a speed balancer, a tire machine, a modus analizer plus many more tools.and updates for these machines. Know we have a salesman that does not stop to our garage. He stopes next door to Ange Peterllo a trucker and Antidormie garage. How can we get the parts we need for our equipment the old salesman was great he was always their for broken tools and parts. This speaks very poorly for SNAPON as a reliable company. Could you please have a company represenative call us.

    Thank you David, Shirley, and John Gillette

  • Terrie

    I guess I would wonder why you couldn’t banko the debt if you walk away and they say you owe $150k? Anybody know other than you have credit issues for a couple years.

  • Franchise scam

    Sue the company.


    I am an ex snap on deal and I been screwed over.. I did not sign that release they wanted me to sign cause I knew what was going to happen. I just recently got out of it and they showing charges with no description of the charges. They also did my ra audit without me being present. Said just pring list of calls and we will take care of it. I was wondering is there any class action lawsuits I might can join in with?

  • Franchise scam

    Contact Jerry marks at marks & Klein red bank nj.

  • Andrew H.

    Definitely contact Jerry Marks. I was in an absolutely disasterous situation after leaving snap-on after only 9 months. My BM went from showing me a business snap-shot showing 34,000 in equity after only 6 months. Needless to say I was very happy and excited despite all the hard work and countless hours I had to endure on top of fixing business relationships snap-on and the previous dealer had ruined.

    3 months later, on credit hold and on the hook for nearly $16k in un-returnable diagnostics that my sales manager gave me the old “not going to bill you for them if you don’t sell them, we will move them to another dealer.” my business folded and I was bullied into signing a termination paper.

    A couple months later I get letters from snap on saying I OWED $66,000 when I was under the impression from my BM that they were going to OWE ME $30k. I opted to not respond to the letter after I had asked for an itemized list and absolute proof in simple writing why I owe this balance, which they could not/refused to produce.

    I thought it was all over, sold a ton of irreplaceable belongings to pay back my $10,000 in initial debt I had to borrow, only to find out that when I applied for a home mortgage I got denied because snap-on reported to MY PERSONAL CREDIT that I owed $88,000!!!!!! I immediately filed a dispute with the credit bureau, and posted my story online and was contacted by Jim Lager.

    Jim Lager has been an absolute god-send. I was completely hopeless until he got in touch with me and let me know that I’m not alone. He also put me in touch with Jerry Marks, and we currently have a lawsuit in place. We are 9 months into the case, and should see resolution soon.

    In the meantime, the credit bureau did an investigation and found those charges to my credit to be entirely fraudulent and removed them from my credit report. Another slice of evidence in our corner regarding the lawsuit.

    You can read more of my story on http://www.mobiletooldealersassociation.com where I shed light on the hardships in purchasing my family home.

    If any of you have been screwed over by a tool corporation and it’s promises, THERE IS HELP. If anyone is in the process of getting out, contact Jerry Marks immediately, and tell your story on http://www.mobiletooldealersassociation.com

  • Skeptimist

    In 1994 I had high hopes for becoming a Snap-On dealer and spent a month looking into the purchase of a franchise. Initially, market acceptance of the product and the business model were very attractive. Then I rode with and picked the brains of 3 different dealers. They were cautious about what they revealed to me but I soon realized that their relationship with Snap-On was seriously adversarial. Then I tried to make sense of the accounting system which seemed bizarre. My accountant’s comments were not encouraging. When I questioned the area manager, he told me I was being “too analytical”. I decided not to invest a cent in that franchise deal but later I was offered a job as a direct factory rep for industrial sales. Again, due diligence revealed they treated their employees as badly as their dealers. Current reports indicate that not much has changed. It’s a shame that a once great company with a still great product appears to be managed with a deceptive mentality.

  • Corporate Greed

    After working for the company for several years they treat the employees like dogs.
    Comments such as “it’s the man not the land” “it’s not the route it’s the man” “you might not be the man for the job” and on and on. Hard pressure tool buys from the canned scenario sales meetings every month were a joke. BM’s, SD’s FD’s and diagnostic reps make it hard on you if you reject to purchase items at these meetings.
    BM’s and SD’s have access to everyone’s inventory balance and look to vulture that balance by making purchases behind the scenes and then when your hit with the merchandise nobody can seem to track where it initiated from. FPT’s BM’s having to move 3 million a quarter worth of merchandise turns them into rude and pushy so they conjure up some bogus numbers from routes that have 2 or 3 trucks to say “look at what profit looks like” making you think a single franchise is rolling these fabricated numbers. Trained liars or high power car salesman types.

    The “Paid Sales” monster is only what all the leadership is looking at. The wheel of death business model they harp at the propaganda training meetings are unachievable in a terrible economy we are currently residing in. The upper echelon managers all sound like they’ve all attended the Snap-On Tools puppet brainwashing training classes. “Growing the business, Growing the business” and collections song is wore out.

    Yes, I know that is how you get profitable and your business thrives to an extent. I compared the way sales on the street is conducted to being similar to be a drug dealer. Buy it today and pay me when you get paid. Most grease monkeys are broke and can’t pay you today anyway so, you go on the assumption of will he pay on Friday or will his card be rejected when you run it? The real deal is he looks in his wallet or bank account and thinks “who can I screw out of this money” you guessed it, the tool man!

    There are several serious issue variables when thinking about doing this for a business. I wouldn’t suggest a new guy try this but the old timers that have their business paid for and don’t owe Snap-On a dime can thrive to a degree. Don’t even think of having employees to assist you in the mountains of paperwork to keep up because it’s against the rules. The upper echelon has no rules, ethics, character, décor or conscious.

    I’ve only touched on a small portion of what goes on behind the scenes at Snap-On. Please heed this warning at all costs.

    Stay away from this business venture and I can’t stress that enough. Don’t fall victim to the vicious Snap-On treadmill of making lost profit on the street by taking all of your hard earned money vested and leaving you looking for food stamps next. DON’T DO IT!

  • Nuckin futs

    There is a mega list of crap owning this franchise. There’s always some mystical magical answer for the moves upper mgt. does and it’s all a blame game. I don’t care what answer you come up with those jokers in management have the Dallas brainwashed negative answer training ready for ya.

    As stated earlier, the act like high power car salesman feeding of the honest vulnerability of the franchisee or fresh meat.
    Your kidding yourself if you think your going to be some high $$$ earner when the bills to operate a non brick and mortar store are out of the roof.

    Work dumber not smarter is the rule of thumb here.

  • I was a franchisee for Snapon from 2003-2006. Not only was I a top performer but I made a lot of $. It’s funny to see some of these complaints. People that complain for a living instead of work hard for a living. Remember, they created the brand and the quality. We had the the opportunity to run with the opportunity to sell those quality products or expect them to sell themselves. I had territory issues with Snapon. That’s why I left. Not all peaches and cream but well worth the time and investment

  • Franchise scam


    I know top performers such as myself that still found it hard making a good living because managers promising you the world and always helping them yet I was always stuck with a high invoice. Can you explain that?

  • I worked as a Snap-on dealer customer service rep during the mid 1990’s. First real job out of college. They treated their company employees very well… but it was a totally different story for franchised dealers. Most of their problems at that time stemmed from offering customers way too easy credit that would end up in default. Was not unusual to have a dealer saddled with a $200,000 tool bill that would never be reduced or collected. One dealer I supported covered the entire eastern part of Wyoming and western part of Nebraska single handed. He easily worked 100+ hours a week covering that area… while at least 4 dealers were assigned to the Omaha metro area alone. The running joke among the company managers was that they couldn’t afford to buy Snap-on even via employee discount… so they buy all of their personal tools at Sears because Craftsman was cheaper and every bit as good as Snap-on.

  • nearly there uk


    Having read the posts there’s a lot of negative comments and experiences. I am looking into joining and looking for experiences of uk dealers on how they find being a franchisee. Are you making the figures you were budgeting for etc?

    Would you do it again?

    I have done a couple of van rides and it looked like the dealers i was with had it wrapped up, they made it look quite easy.

    Any view welcome to help in my decision

  • relentless

    I don`t know if Snap-On will be selling the same contract as they do in the United States but I would pay close attention to what it says. I imagine it will be quite lengthy. Please keep this in mind though. If Snap-On has 5000 franchisees and 1000 fail a year you would have very little chance of retaining your franchise over a five year period.

  • current uk dealer

    Nearly there… You get as much out as you put it, its been the best move I have made.
    Theres to much to put in a message,but if you need to know more about being a dealer in the uk, just let me know and I will help as much as I can.

  • relentless

    Don`t listen to anyone with less than five years experience and call a bunch off the FDD and ask them how long they have operated their franchise. If the average is five years or less RUN!

  • Nearly there uk

    Hi there and thanks

    Fao current uk dealer

    I would love to hear how you found the early days as a new dealer. Was it as you expected or better?

    There’s a lot of bad press on the forums but my guess is that’s the same with a lot of franchises. What’s good for one person is a disaster for another. Maybe some people just think buying into a franchise is a guarantee to succeed and forget about the hard work involved.

    Did you come from the industry or a complete change of career when you started ?

  • Franchise scam

    Snap On has a good brand of tools with a bad track record of destroying people’s lives. Like any business it is what you put into it. I know people that didn’t put much energy into there business and later failed and know others that were top 100 dealers and still later failed. Remember one thing. Snap On owns and controls you and the house always wins. You will have to work everyday working hard collecting your money from people. That does get old fast. Especially when Snap On Credit is hounding you to collect on money or asking you to repo. It is a thankless business and only the old timers that own everything, have bigger routes and don’t take any shit from management are the ones that survive. My suggestion is go out and invest on a business that can earn you money when you do take days off and has a better growth opportunity. Driving a Snap On truck has no growth oppurtunity and really has no asset that comes with it besides a truck. I spent 7 years being a tool dealer and 7 years later my business had no asset besides a truck that I sold for $18k. I finally grew up and started my own independant business where nobody tells me what to do and have employees and managers that doing the work for me. I have also bought the property’s where my businesses operate out. My company’s are now worth over 1.5 million and that isostlu because my property’s are worth 60% of that number. Show me a Snap On dealer that sold there business for 1/3 of that money ($500,000)? Not happening. Most walk away…. Be Well and Good Luck

  • relentless

    Think again, top franchisee. You have been warned. Snap On, Matco, Cornwell and Mac are all companies that do one thing. Churn! Their relationship with the International Franchise Association and the Federal Trade Commission is a relatioship like that of the Federal Reserve and todays politians. Screw investors like politicians screw tax payers. It is a sad state of affairs when peoples livelyhoods are bargained away so politicians can obtain campaign contributions from franchisors to continue the of investors and tax payers. Franchising is not a good investment in my opinion. Too much corruption and underhandness.

  • Jeremy Alday

    Hey snap on i found what i thought to be a great tool set to carry with me made by blue point. I saved up the 400 doller plus to buy from my local dealer chuck. Chuck isnt good at returning phone calls so i went on line only to see the country of orgin tiwan. I thought i was spending the unreal out of this world money to help my fellow Americans workin just to find out im buyin a peice of nothin from across the puddle. You have lost my buisness forever I dont deal with junk. And I will advise my freinds and other mechanics to follow as well. P>S you suck

  • current uk dealer

    F.a.o Nearly there

    I found the start just what I expected, hard work, long hours, dealing with some low life’s..But once you get to know your good customers, and who to trust the jobs gets easy.I have come from the garge environment so I am use too that.

    Im nearly 5 years in now, I’m payed up (which I did in 18 months) The truck is nearly payed for..Got plenty of stock and a good r.a balance ..so all in all I’m happy with where I have got to.
    Before I took on the Snap On franchise I looked into started my own garage but the set up costs, and no guaranteed customer base put me off
    Compared with selling tools where on most day your selling £1000 worth of tools out of a white van, you need to turn some cars around in a a garage to even get close to that..
    Hope this helps.

  • Randell Edwards

    I was a franchisee for 1 and a half years just north of Atlanta. Terrible choice for a business. Your margin is around 32% IF you sell EVERYTHING at list, that’s just enough to keep you rolling and hungry. Eventually you will have unexpected expenses with the truck, customers not paying or disappearing, and taxes for high ticket items such as boxes. You are not really selling tools since very few customers pay in full at time of purchase, your making micro loans to people without very good credit. There is no room for expansion since you can only call on customers that work at a stop on your list of calls. I believe snap on makes more money churning franchisees than it does by keeping them by over selling the new franchisees, having them pay for as long as they can, then collecting another franchise fee in a year or two. They lose nothing because all of the tools are returned when you terminate at a reduced credit even though they are still in pristine condition. Heed the warning… RUN !!

  • Indiana Prospect

    Considering several different tool franchises in Indiana. I have owned my own business in the past and know you have to put in the time and money to be successful. I am reading through the FDD and I see there is no downside for the Corporation. Any advise? Thanks.


    Indiana Prospect:

    My advice is to read everything on this site regarding Snap-on.

    Start here to see how to read between the lines of the FDD: http://www.unhappyfranchisee.com/forbes-snap-on-franchise/

    Read what Snap-on insiders say: http://www.unhappyfranchisee.com/snap-on-tools-franchise-complaints/

    Then read everything linked to here: http://www.unhappyfranchisee.com/mobile-tool-franchise/

    This will give you much more info with which to make this VERY important decision.

  • ken dewhirst

    if u wud like to know about snapon from a former franchisees perspective please get in touch. They are soooo misleading and fraudulent in how they conduct their business its ridiculous. In fact, it is completely illegal. They own the credit house and empower and in fact allow them to control your business. NOT AT ALL LEGAL!!!

  • ken dewhirst wrote: “if u wud like to know about snapon from a former franchisees perspective please get in touch.”

    Yes, Ken, we would like to know. You can post your story here, or email us in confidence at unhappyfranchisee[at]gmail.com

  • BobsPDXTools

    I realize most or all of you have had poor experiences with your franchises, but I have a few questions. Please don’t hate me for asking here.

    I want to start a tool truck business. I will be servicing a completely different sector than what the SO and Matco guys service.
    I am trying to run the numbers for a business plan and I am hoping some of you can share with me:

    When can you start to get paid out of the business?

    How many people a day did you service on average?

    How long did it take you to reach that capacity?

    How long would it have taken you to break even if there were no franchise fees?

    I realize there are a bunch of parameters that I may or may not have thought of, but I am just looking for a best guess.

    Thanks a bunch in advance

  • Screwed by Snap On

    I need to know if there are any current lawyers and law suits still on going that I can talk to. My husband and I just terminated our franchise and are having many issues. Please let me know. Thanks.

  • Former Franchisee

    Anyone recently have problems or currently in litigation, 2014? I need assistance. My husband and I are in the same boat. They owe us money but yet they say we owe them money. We need legal advice. Please help.

  • AfterTheRise

    Jim… Its been nearly two years since you’ve posted your diatribes here for all to see. A quick look online and I see not mention of your “Mobile Tool Dealer’s Association” in the cyber world (other than dead links). Let me impart a bit of wisdom for you.

    -When you have the facts .. pound the facts… when have the law… pound the law… when have neither.. pound the table.

    You, are pounding the table. Is that the case you are taking to the court? “Gee your honor, I have this kid who knowingly entered into fraudulent contract, his numbers didn’t add up (big surprise) and in order to mitigate this, he then gave $40,000 to the same crook that put him in that quandary in the first place.” Sure… that case is about rock solid as paper mache house built on an ocean front.

    Grow up, you lost. Americans don’t care about your constituents problems. Is going to make gas prices dip? Is going to make their mortgages easier to pay? No… that’s your capitalist system, its very adept at drowning out your voices because who cares? My life will remain the same regardless of your outcome.

    Mob mentality much here? When someone speaks about their positive experiences in this trade, they are immediately set upon as the proverbial hyenas assails a wounded gazelle. How dare you contradict our preconceived notions of this industry? Your a shill, your an apologist, your a……… All hail King Mob!!!!!!

    So how’s that lawsuit going? Oh that’s right… arbitration. So much for your power-to-the-people histrionics. Everyone grab your keyboards and mount the e-pulpit. But you can’t fed the hungry families on your bread and butter platitudes. Oh and by the way, thank the ambulance chasers for that piece of legislation. They abused the system, and now you’re paying the price.

    Hey Mr. Alday. Your post was way too long. I’ve edited it for length, “THEY TUK ERR JAAABBSSSS DER DER DER. U NO CUZ THIS MERICKA!!! You do realize that Blue Point (capitalized) is Snap-on’s ECONOMY brand. I also suppose that people who managed to build a civilization thousands of year before you grunted into this world somehow can’t craft a simple wrench. But hey, Americans and Europeans should have the monopoly on Middle Class lifestyles, scr**w the rest of the world right?

    Oh and I wouldn’t put too much stock in Ken’s “testimony” . “You” is a three letter word, and is he so lazy you can’t add an “L” and an “O” in “WOULD”? Geniuses like him have more esoteric pursuits like NASCAR races and cider block strip clubs. Forget about such pedestrian things like investigative articles.

    I have no dog in this fight. I don’t care what happens to the tool industry. Unlike many of fellow veterans on this site, I used my GI Bill and made the best investment in the world, a college degree. Judging by the execrable prose of many of the people posting here, they should plowed their money into that venture. Oh that’s right, its SCHOOL. They’ll make me do like, math and Shakespeare and stuff. No, better just gamble my family’s future away so I can”be my own boss”.

    Just fess up. None of you crusaders are doing this to help your fellow franchisees. You just want the filthy lucre, just admit it. Look in the mirror, would be here if your business WAS successful? If not, I know where your hearts lie. False altruism is the real sham here, why am I the only one that can see this??

  • AfterTheRise wrote: “I used my GI Bill and made the best investment in the world, a college degree.”

    Mr. Rise, you should demand your money back. And you should also swear off day-drinking. Your prose is the most execrable (and excremental) here. A few of your abominations include:

    “Mob mentality much here?” (Huh?)

    “…that case is about rock solid as paper mache house built on an ocean front.” (Overwrite much here?)

    “…they are immediately set upon as the proverbial hyenas assails a wounded gazelle.” (subject-verb agreement much here?)

    “But you can’t fed the hungry families on your bread and butter platitudes.” (Verb tense much here?)

    ” “You” is a three letter word, and is he so lazy you can’t add an “L” and an “O” in “WOULD”?” (WTF? Incoherent much here?)

    “Look in the mirror, would be here if your business WAS successful?” (Uh, the site is called “Unhappy Franchisee”)

    AfterTheRise, since your education was financed by the taxpayers of this capitalist system, we demand repayment. Plus, I want the 5 minutes back that I spent trying to decipher your incomprehensible ramblings.

    Thank you.

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