Unhappy Franchisee

No-Nonsense Hype-Free Franchise Issues & Discussion Site


REVIVE ENERGY MINTS 15 Action Steps for Victims

If you feel that you’ve been victimized, ripped off, scammed or willfully mislead by those selling the Revive Energy Mints business opportunity or franchise, including the agents and employees of Revive Franchising LLC, Sito Marketing LLC, or RyLo Products LLC, you do not need to suffer in silence.

Remember:  “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

UnhappyFranchisee.com has compiled a list of 15 ways you can take action.  We have have put together contact information where you can file complaints and an overview page where you can refer law enforcement and/or the media to get the full story.  We have put together a Revive Victims Alliance to include your story and claims in our fight for restitution.

1.  Contribute to UnhappyFranchisee.com.  Your contribution, no matter how modest, will help us allocate time and resources to fighting for your rights and seeking justice for all victims.  Contributors will receive ongoing updates and ideas for recovering their losses and moving on.


2.  Join the Revive Victims Alliance.  We’ve created a registry of those who invested in the Revive Energy Mints opportunity and seek restitution.  We will add your story and restitution request to our petition to government agencies, law enforcement & litigation attorneys willing to work on contingency.  Your suggested $125 registration donation also gives you free ads to sell your equipment and product on this site. Contact us for more information UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail.com.


3.  File a US Postal Service fraud complaint.  It was a recent US Postal Investigation Service investigation into American Vending Services that led to federal prison and millions in restitution from the top scammers. (The founders of Revive/Sito Marketing & Paul Haverstick reportedly worked for American Vending Services at one time).


4. File a complaint with the US Department of Justice.  The U.S. Department of Justice recently prosecuted American Vending Services and other vending operators for similar scheme as Revive Energy Mints investment.  The contact for the District of Colorado – Denver is:  Byron G. Rogers United States Courthouse and Federal Bldg, Suite C-120, 1929 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80294-0101, Phone: (303) 335-2427.  The prosecuter who took down American Vending Services is Patrick Jasperse, Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., Patrick.Jasperse@usdoj.gov


5.  File a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General.  Colorado Department of Law Consumer Complaint Form.


6.  File a complaint with the Attorney General of your state.  You can get state-specific contact information at the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) website


7.  File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  Use the online FTC Complaint Assistant


8.  File a complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  The FBI investigates white collar crimes, including investment fraud.  Contact the FBI, Denver Division, 8000 East 36th Avenue, Denver, CO 80238 Phone: (303) 629-7171


9.  File a complaint with the Englewood, CO Police Department.  An UnhappyFranchisee.com reader reports that the Englewood, Co. investigations division has assigned Case Number #11-11051 to Revive/Sito Marketing scam.  Add yourself as a complainant by calling them at 303-762-2460.


10.  File a complaint with your state’s franchise examiner.   According to the FTC, “Fifteen states have franchise investment laws…Thirteen of these state laws treat the sale of a franchise like the sale of a security… These state laws give franchise purchasers important legal rights, including the right to bring private lawsuits for violation of the state disclosure requirements.”  These states are California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, & Wisconsin.  Go here for state specific Franchise Administration Offices contact information.


11.  File a Complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).  This might not do a lot of good, but Sito Marketing LLC has an “A” rating and Revive Franchising LLC and RyLo Products LLC have no ratings, neither good nor bad.  Complain to the Denver BBB here.


12.  Contact your local media outlets.  Refer them to this page and have them contact us at UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail.com for information/confirmation.


13.  Share information you have in the comment section below or by emailing us confidentially UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail.com.  Add your suggestion for action steps to take, contacts to notify and progress and/or impediments.


14.  Leave comments on Revive Energy Mints blog posts listed & linked to from the central page:  REVIVE ENERGY MINTS Vending Scam Information.  If you have a website, link to the page.  The more traffic, links & comments, the higher the posts get in the search engines & the more pressure for the problem to be addressed.


15.  Advertise your equipment and/or product inventory for sale.  The Federal investigator of a recent similar case assured vending fraud victims that they could sell their equipment without it affecting potential restitution.  For info on advertising, contact us at UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail.com.



contact the site admin at UnhappyFranchisee@gmail.com

20 thoughts on “REVIVE ENERGY MINTS 15 Action Steps for Victims

  • Pingback: REVIVE ENERGY MINTS Vending Scam Information : Unhappy Franchisee

  • Ok, I spoke to the local police department and they have advised that this case is purely civil and not criminal. The detective on the case will not follow-up.

  • ron allen

    If you’re trying to get mints to refill your machines you can buy them through Ebay. Be weary of other companies that are selling.

  • Sean Paulauskis

    I also spoke to the local police, looks like class action is the way to go. Please contact me if u have information.

  • You are right, Sean. Email UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail to join the group.

  • there is no money coming back to any of these people through lawsuits. The best bet of for a return is to get it as tax relief – in certain cases, the money lost through a fraud can be used to deduct income tax paid on employment source income.

  • Michael:
    If you can direct me to more information on that Tax deduction, I’d appreciate it. Does that apply to US AND Canada?
    As far as a lawsuit goes, you may be right. However, the USDOJ has been pretty active going after vending scams and seeking jail time and restitution. There was a successful prosecution of the energy mint scam that (many believe) provided the model for Revive Energy Mints.
    There is an Alliance of Revive Victims who are sending a professional, coordinated complaint to many of the agencies listed above. For information, victims can email unhappyfranchisee[at]gmail.com

  • Here is the Canadian info on allowable business investment losses:


    I am getting the US information for you.

    The department of justice has a set of priorities for the criminal prosecution of vending scams – be good to talk with their attorneys to see if this case would fit on their docket.

    Very important to file the right type of complaint with each government regulator.
    Most complaints have to hit the regulator’s jurisdiction, scope and remedy.

    Don’t blather on about how you were taken – for example for the FTC, you want to make complaint based upon either the last vending scam pleading or the order which you think might have bound these participants.


    Thanks, Mike. Great info.

  • Jane Duehring

    I see that there no comments after October 17th 2011, I find this worrying it’s May 3rd 2012, has anything happened? Is there a class action yet? Has Paul Haverstick been found? Is the Better Business Bureau doing anything? Is the USDOJ doing anything? Is it worth joining the coalition. I emailed this site weeks ago, didn’t get a reply until yesterday? Is this site a scam? Since more money is required to join the coalition I am sceptical. What is the coalition doing other than providing a venue for listing machines for sale, this could be done on ebay, probably with far more effect. We have called the places listed and found that most of them can’t or won’t do anything, the BBB in Denver have written 2 letters to Revive, obviously there has been no response and we are waiting for the BBB to tell us what they plan to do next. If any of you have gotten any further than that please let me know and we’ll follow your path.

  • “Is this site a scam?”

    Jane, if this site’s is a scam, it is the most ill-conceived and least profitable scam in history.

    Read through the site and see the thousands of hours of unpaid writing and publishing that goes into trying to warn people from making the same mistake you made. If you had read this site and seen our other vending scam exposes, you might not have fallen for the slick Revive Energy Mints sales pitch.

    Here’re a few tidbits on Federal investigations: They do not provide updates on active investigations. They do not like updates being posted and discussed in public forums. And they move very slowly. For that reason we provide updates via email to people with confirmed identities. How do we confirm identities? One way is by the credit card transaction of a nominal donation… that’s one of the reasons that its required.

    Feel free to pursue these guys on your own. We posted all the contact info you need above. (Worst scam ever)

  • “Is this site a scam?”

    Jane, if this site’s is a scam, it is the most ill-conceived and least profitable scam in history.

    Read through the site and see the thousands of hours of unpaid writing and publishing that goes into trying to warn people from making the same mistake you made. If you had read this site and seen our other vending scam exposes, you might not have fallen for the slick Revive Energy Mints sales pitch.

    Here’re a few tidbits on Federal investigations: They do not provide frequent updates on active investigations. They do not like updates being posted and discussed in public forums. And they move very slowly. For that reason we provide updates via email to people with confirmed identities. How do we confirm identities? One way is by the credit card transaction of a nominal donation… that’s one of the reasons that its required.

    Feel free to pursue these guys on your own. We posted all the contact info you need above. (Worst scam ever)

  • Jane, I suggest you read the other Revive related threads. There are 5 or 6 of them. On one of them a victim mentions he received a questionnaire from the Department of Justice. She likely got it by doing action steps above #2,3 and 4. Fifty bucks isn’t making this guy rich, but just paying a little for his time organizing us victims.

  • Thanks, Guest. If it were not for the participation of the victims who have stepped forward, there would be no DOJ investigation. If people don’t steep up now, there will be no chance of restitution or justice, and whomever is responsible for this happening will be free to do it again to new groups of people.

    If anyone feels they are entitled to restitution and haven’t received a DOJ packet, email unhappyfranchisee@gmail.com.

    Thanks to those who are standing up for themselves and refusing to be victims. Your efforts are paying off.

  • Jane Duehring

    So, clearly this is still active, you surely see that a 6 month gap in comments of any sort is enough to make one sceptical. We will be joining the coalition and sharing the results of the Denver BBB with you when they next contact us.

  • Sean Paulauskis

    Got my packet and will be filling it out this weekend. Please people, if revive got u too, join us. Bigger the group, bigger chance of restitution. Or at min Paul Haverstick and others end up in hot water.

    Sean p

  • Jane:
    Skeptical is good. That’s a main theme of this website, to be sure. We appreciate you joining in and supporting this effort.
    Especially with the economy and government cutbacks, we need to fight for attention and demand action from those whose job it is to investigate these types of business practices. Thankfully, this group is active and relentless!

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