WIENERSCHNITZEL Franchise Complaints

The Wienerschnitzel franchise opportunity:  Are you considering it?

You should be aware that data released by the Small Business Administration (SBA) indicates that Wienerschnitzel franchise owners who qualified for SBA-backed franchise loans have a loan failure rate of 23%.

That qualifies Wienerschnitzel for inclusion in’s list of WORST FRANCHISES IN AMERICA (by SBA loan defaults)

Are you familiar with the Wienerschnitzel franchise opportunity? If so, please share your experience, opinions or insights with a comment below.

If you are a Wienerschnitzel franchise representative or employee, please leave a comment or email us at UnhappyFranchisee[at]

Wienerschnitzel franchise owners have a 23% SBA loan default rate.

The inability to repay an SBA-backed loan (or any franchise loan, for that matter) indicates a serious situation for the franchisee.

It’s likely that Wienerschnitzel franchise owners who received SBA loans may have collateralized their franchise loan with their homes or other personal assets, and many were unable to repay those franchise loans… despite the serious incentive to do so.

Back Yard Burgers

SBA loans granted since 2001: 63
SBA loan failure rate: 23%
Source: Coleman report (SBA)

What do you think of the Wienerschnitzel franchise?

Are you familiar with the Wienerschnitzel franchise opportunity?

What do you think accounts for the high SBA loan failure rate of Wienerschnitzel franchise owners?

What steps should Wienerschnitzel be taking to stop further franchise failures?

Has Wienerschnitzel and The Galardi Group taken serious action to address the problems that led to these loan failures?

Please share a comment (anonymous is fine) or Contact



Wienerschnitzel, Wienerschnitzel franchise, Wienerschnitzel franchise complaints, Wienerschnitzel complaints,  hot dog franchise, fast food franchise, quickservice franchise, The Galardi Group, der Wienerschnitzel, franchise failure rates, SBA franchise loans, worst franchises, unhappy franchisee

2 thoughts on “WIENERSCHNITZEL Franchise Complaints

  • florence chacon

    bought the 5 chili dog special 5.95 as advertised able to mix with corn dogsl instead of billing ne 5.95 plus tax complex breakdown per individual item. resulting in total before tax 6.35 then taxed .51 cents total 6.86. i questioned the tax for 5.95 too high. young boys said the state tax had gone up. really? false advertisement! i live down the street from a weinerschnitzel and frequent buyer. will think twice now. please answer.

  • Anonymous

    Galardi group the corporate who owns the franchise wienerschnitzel are the worst corporate, it is internally corrupted and money is all what matters to them.

    I have spent 14 years of my life with wienerschnitzel,

    I had a lease on one of their locations with the franchisee, the corporate was aware about the lease between me and the franchisee, in particular was the district manager and his boss the head of operations. They were very happy about the location performance and the monthly increase of sales. According to the district manager, it was the best location in his district. I was induced to enter in a second term of leasing this location for another five years by adding on the contract that by the end of the lease agreement I will be entitled to purchase the location for a specified amount of money.

    I have dedicated my self and all my time at this place, I was working more tha 16 hrs a day during the years of the pandemic where there was shortages in labor. The sales during those years got doubled with less than half of the employees the store normally had. There was three months that I was completely running the business by myself with no employees from 2pm to 5pm. The corporate sees the increases in sales and recognizes the severe shortage of employees and yet was there no complains or headache caused by this location, the corporate was “my hat is off to you, any operations decisions you’ve to make will be approved, we’re behind your back supporting you”…..

    Two years before the end of the lease agreement, the Franchisee decides to sell the location. By law, selling does not affect the lease, because of that, and by the help of the head of operations, they changed the whole structure of the store by converting it from a full franchise to a limited franchise in order to drop the lease. And yet, everything was done in the dark behind my back and ironically, the district manager was directed not to speak about the selling to nobody.

    I was suspicious seeing some unusual activities and upon asking all I got was lies and lies and lies. I was only given a 2 days notice to surrender the premises.

    They have planned everything in the dark and gave me such a short notice and threatening me to get arrested if i don’t comply. I was not aware that by law no one could’ve gotten me out as long as I have a valid lease. I was only given two days notice after 14 years dedication. I wasn’t offered anything or at least to work with the new owner, and that’s because they wouldn’t be able to afford my payment which means they knew I was the owner of everything and the Franchisee was just a name on papers. I have contacted all positions in the corporate to the CEO but no response was from anyone.

    In two days, I went from an owner to jobless.

    That’s how the corporate Galardi Group appreciated my dedication all those years and that’s how they gave the support they mentioned before.

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