Unhappy Franchisee

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ERA Expense Reduction Analysts franchise has perpetrated fraud on its franchise owners and creditors, according to “disgruntled franchisee”  Armstrong’s allegations are included below.  What do you think? Do their allegations of fraud have validity?  Share an opinion below.

Expense Reduction Analysts(UnhappyFranchisee.Com)  We have received the following message and supporting documents from a “disgruntled franchisee” of Expense Reduction Analysts who alleges that ERA is guilty of “ a clear and deliberate fraud perpetrated on the USA authorities and on all ERA USA and global franchisees.”

The self-identified franchisee, Australia-based Armstrong Consulting Pty Ltd., is offering its assistance free of charge to franchisees or ex-franchisees interested in suing Expense Reduction Analysts.

Armstrong Consulting claims that its only motivation for doing so is to is its desire “to see them stopped.”

We invite ERA Expense Reduction Analysts, its franchisees, and any related parties to share their opinions of Armstrong consulting’s allegations either by leaving a comment below, or sending  a statement for publication to us at UnhappyFranchisee[at]gmail.com.

Armstrong Consulting Pty Ltd. writes:

If your readers want to know the truth the Expense Reduction Analysts franchise group simply publish some extracts from the attached documents.

ERA Insurance Services Pty Limited – Administrators’ Report to Creditors

AFFIDAVIT Expense Reduction Analysts, Inc. from ERA Franchise Disclosure Document

ERA Expense Reduction Analysts Franchise Disclosure Document 2011

ERAI Administrators Report 18 Mar 2011

Joint Administrator’s Report ERA Global Management 7 January 2012

ERA USA is insolvent and has been so since 25 January 2011 according to the Administrators appointed by the ERA directors and owners including the Ultimate Controlling Party Mr. Charles Frederick Marfleet and Mr. Howson.


Refer to the comment regarding the ERA group subsidiaries including the ERA USA subsidiary – Expense Reduction Analysts, Inc. and the European Holding company ERA Global Management Ltd, which went into administration in January 2013.


Expense Reduction AnalystsThe owners of this ERA business, Messrs Marfleet and Howson have more moves than a bucket of worms and are expert at using the Insolvency Acts to pass off the assets of their insolvent businesses to defraud creditors who are usually successful ex-franchisee or ex-employees  who have successfully litigated against ERA.


Not surprising Mr Howson is CEO of the UK public company Accuma Group PLC – insolvency specialists


Refer to the Australian ERA Insurance Services Pty Ltd Administrators Report dated 3 August 2010 attached.


Refer to the UK and French ERA Global Management Limited (ERAGM) Administrators Report dated 7 January 2013.


Refer to the Expense Reduction Analysts International Limited (ERAIL) Administrators Report dated 18 March 2011.


Not surprising the only ERAIL Creditor who got paid in January 2011 was Mr. Marfleet after he sold the ERA global business to himself (Montgomery Investment Co SA) for GBP 363,000 then from the proceeds of the sale paid GPB 313,000 to himself in full payment of his alleged secured debt and GPB50,000 to the ERAIL Administrators who stated that the value of the USA subsidiary, the UK Master Licence as a part of the ERA European business (ERAGM) and the Australian / NZ business was NIL.


To understand the extent of the fraud perpetrated on all ERA franchisees simply refer to the USA Franchisee Disclosure Document (FDD) dated 11 March 2011 (and 2011, 2012 and 2013 FDD) and lodged under affidavit with the California Department of Corporations which showed the net “audited on 4 March 2011” assets were approximately USD$5M not NIL!!!!!!!!!


Yet back in the Motherland (UK) in exactly the same month (March 2011) the ERA International directors had told the ERAIL Administrators that as at 31 December 2010 the ERA USA subsidiary was insolvent and not worth one cent – not one cent!


This is a clear and deliberate fraud perpetrated on the USA authorities and on all ERA USA and global franchisees and involved highly professional organisations such as Leonard Curtis (UK), Hinzman and Associates (USA), Kreston Dormer (Aust.) and Baker Tilley (UK).


The extent of the fraud is incomprehensible and yet as stated by your website ERA and its owners are still “free to pillage future victims“.


It would be an easy thing for the “700” franchisees to bring a class action against the ERA shareholders and directors for misrepresentation, fraud and deceptive and misleading conduct based on the attached documents alone.


We have all the necessary proof and we would be willing to assist any and all ERA franchisees and ex-franchisees at any time for nil reward other than to see them stopped.


Good luck with your endeavours.


kind regards


Armstrong Consulting Pty Ltd


(Who would be described by Messrs [Charles] Marfleet and [Ronnie] Clucas as a “disgruntled ex-franchisee”) and proud to be one.

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What about Armstrong Consulting Pty Ltd?


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TAGS: Expense Reduction Analysts, Expense Reduction Analysts franchise, ERA, ERA franchise, Expense Reduction Analysts franchise fraud, Armstrong Consulting Pty, Charles Marfleet, Ronnie Clucas, Charles Howson, Accuma Group PLC, Leonard Curtis, Hinzman and Associates, Kreston Dormer, Baker Tilley

One thought on “ERA EXPENSE REDUCTION ANALYSTS Franchise Fraud Allegations

  • Jesse M Carleton

    I spent $80,000 trying to make a go of this franchise. I tried to talk to the chief executive in private about what I needed to do to turn things around. He simply walked away from me without saying a word. I never made one cent revenue out of this endeavor. I would love to become a member of a group lawsuit against them.

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