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CHERRY BLOW DRY BAR Franchise Warning

Cherry Blow Dry Bar promoters are touting their $125,000 – $185,000 investment franchise as the next hot opportunity.

According to the Cherry Blow Dry Bar website, the concept (marketed there a “Blow Dry Bar”) was founded in Sydney, Australia in 2008 by Nathan Cuneen, and “quickly grew to more than 23 locations.”

According to its promotional websites, the Cherry Blow Dry Bar boutique “hair wash and blow drying service” model “has become a massive success, with hundreds of Cherry Blow Dry Bars scheduled to open in coming months across the United States.  Unusually, despite the massive growth, the chain has had perfect success with franchisees up to this point.”

However, franchise warnings posted on the Internet by critics of Blow Dry Bar and Nathan Cuneen have preceded the opening of the first U.S. Cherry Blow Dry Bar.

Critics claim that Cherry Blow Dry Bar is a franchise scam now being exported to the U.S. by its allegedly predatorial founder, Nathan Cuneen.

Cherry Blow Dry BarThe postings (quoted below) warn that “Many of the franchises that Nathan Cuneen has sold have closed down with in the first two years. He has even had the audacity to re sell the same territory to a new unsuspecting investor with in months of another salon closing down…

“[Nathan Cuneen] is nothing but a fraudster who promises the world when selling his franchise and once you have signed the dotted line he squeezes every single dollar he can from you. There are 23 salons in Australia with 19 unhappy franchisees who are sinking in their debts.”

Nathan Cuneen claims that the postings are being made by a “former licence holder (Not a Franchisee) who was terminated due to  un-ethical behaviour.”

UnhappyFranchisee.Com is seeking more information and opinions from those familiar with the Blow Dry Bar franchise in Australia and Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise in the U.S.:  Is this the a hot new franchise that will bring wealth & prosperity to early franchisees or an Australian franchise scam that will bring loss and misery to trusting U.S. opportunity seekers?  Please share a comment below.

Cherry Blow Dry Bar Franchise Warnings

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 “David” (from Australia) wrote:

Nathan Cuneen is the Managing Director of a hair salon franchise called Blow Dry Bar in Australia and now Cherry Blow Dry Bar in USA.

In his first few years of operating his franchise group he has cleaned out the life savings of his investors and left them with massive debts before moving on to his next poor victims.

Many of the franchises that Nathan Cuneen has sold have closed down with in the first two years. He has even had the audacity to re sell the same territory to a new unsuspecting investor with in months of another salon closing down.

Mr Cuneen is a man without conscience and will do anything to keep his scam going from forging documents, lying and misleading to threaten physical violence.

All of these claims and more have been brought to the attention of the authorities in Australia and it is currently under investigation by a Federal Government department.

The Federal authorities have already found Mr Cuneen to have breached some of his obligations as a franchisor. Having had first hand dealings with Mr Cuneen on top of the many stories I have heard I am sure that I wont be long before this ’empire’ comes crashing down.

After years of reeking havoc in Australia under the brand ‘Blow Dry Bar’ (www.blowdrybar.com.au) he is now attempting to ply his tricks in America and is planning to do so under the branding of ‘Cherry Blow Dry Bar’ (www.cherryblowdrybar.com).

Wither in Australia or America it would be worth being extra vigilant prior to doing any business with Nathan Cuneen, Blow Dry Bar, Cherry Blow Dry Bar or and other related entity.

Monday, May 06, 2013  Anonymous wrote:


I am glad somebody has taken the initiative to unmask this fraudster. I was not aware otherwise I would have said something sooner.

There is lot of truth in the accusations made on Nathan. I am currently a part of the franchise system and have come forward to blow the whistle on Nathan.

He is nothing but a fraudster who promises the world when selling his franchise and once you have signed the dotted line he squeezes every single dollar he can from you. There are 23 salons in Australia with 19 unhappy franchisees who are sinking in their debts.

When he was approached for some support he left the country to set up another scam in a new country. People of USA, please do not fall into the traps of this cunning man.

You will soon see more franchisees reporting on this fraudster. There have been stores that closed down in the recent past – Liverpool, this franchisee just walked out of the salon because she was so deep in debts she could not afford to keep the franchise running for another day.   Bondi beach closed down.   Warringah Mall closed down. The others are all scared that they might share the same destiny as the others.

This man is in a lot of trouble for the scam conducted in Australia. Please take extra care when dealing with this company.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013, Anonymous wrote:


I want to join the previous franchisee’s in exposing the true colours of the franchisor, Nathan Cuneen.   He thinks he can scam 20 odd franchisees in Australia and head off to another country to scam more people. USA is a bigger country and it will be easier for him to scam more franchisee’s. We live in a global world and the crimes follow whereever you go.

There are so many of us who dream about owning a business one day and have the privilage of having a balanced work and family life. This man preys on this desire and scams us of our life’s savings so that he can live luxuriously.

Almost all of the Australian franchisees have lost their savings to him, so I urge all those people reading this to make your decision wisely. I also urge you to call the franchisees in Australia and get a first hand experience of their grief.   You can very easily get the numbers from the website: www.blowdrybar.com.au.  I can confidently say that all the franchisee’s will be more than happy to share the truth.

Nathan Cuneen has sold his only interest in the business, the corporate store in Sydney, and has washed his hands of Australia.

We in Australia are trying to expose Nathan Cuneen so that you can hold on to your life savings. Please read and forward it to all your friends and relatives so that no more franchisees see the fate that we in Australia have.

Nathan Cuneen’s Posted Responses

Nathan CuneenBlow Dry Bar founder Nathan Cuneen vehemently denies the attacks on his character and his concept, and dismisses them as the rants of a failed, disgruntled Blow Dry Bar licensee.

[Pictured, left, Cherry Blow Dry Bar founder Nathan Cuneen]

Sunday, March 03, 2013 Nathan Cuneen responded:

This post is purely a personal attack on myself (Nathan Cuneen)

This particular person who posted such false accusations has been reported to the police in Sydney Australia (for the 2nd time) and now faces a defamation case in regards to these mis-leading and damaging posts.

The author of this post was a former licence holder (Not a Franchisee) who was terminated due to  un-ethical behaviour, as always there is 2 sides of the story and im happy to provide further information and the actual police records of this particular person. (Who is now well know by police in Australia).

5 Stores have not closed down and Blow Dry Bar continues to grow from strength to strength with another 3 stores alone in the next 4 weeks about to open.

I appreciate all reading this post that this is purely a personal attack on myself.

Sunday, March 10, 2013 Nathan Cuneen wrote:

Well Paul H****, (Who is the faceless person behind these posts) your two posts seem very contradicting, firstly you advised the stores had closed down? your second post refers them still trading?? Secondly, All Myer stores were NOT franchised stores and was a complete separate agreement which was mutually terminated with Myer due to the legal actions of YOU the operator taking legal action against our suppliers, hence why they closed your account, which is the point where you as the operator were no longer viable to run under the Blow Dry Bar trademarks..

I could go on all day in regards to your conduct, but this matter will be resolved with the defamation case coming your way, as per the advice by the Police “The more false posts you lodge the more trouble Paul H**** will get himself in”

Has Blow Dry Bar in Australia had “perfect success with franchisees up to this point” or have there been multiple closures, losses of investments and 19 unhappy operators in Australia?

Please share your experience and views with a comment below, or sending us a confidential email.

Also Read:

CHERRY BLOW DRY BAR Franchise Announces First U.S. Franchisee. Sort Of.

DEADLY FRANCHISE MYTHS: The Hot New Franchise Myth by Sean Kelly


Contact UnhappyFranchisee.com

TAGS: Cherry Blow Dry Bar, Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise, Blow Dry Bar, Blow dry bar franchise, Nathan Cuneen, salon franchise, hair salon franchise, Nathan Cuneen scam, Nathan Cuneen fraud, Blow dry bar scam, Blow dry bar fraud, blow dry bar complaints

4 thoughts on “CHERRY BLOW DRY BAR Franchise Warning

  • Pingback: NATHAN CUNEEN: 12 Questions About The Cherry Blow Dry Bar Franchise

  • Pingback: BLOW DRY BAR Franchise Complaints (Australia) - Unhappy Franchisee : Unhappy Franchisee

  • How long can you keep these postings up when you have no new information and the owner has answered his questions? Sounds like you allow people to post what they want with no follow up! Whether it is true or false! Doesn’t seem a reliable source!

  • John Giaimo

    As a franchisee that has been trading for nearly one year. I can confirm that the franchise BlowDryBar has engaged in unconscionable conduct!
    We have accumalated evidence of false trading figures, secret commissions with builders as well as complete disregard for honesty.
    The franchisor has already attempted to negotiate with other franchisees to avoid federal court legal action and criminal prosecution.
    I would suggest you keep this topic open and if you require contact details of the law firm handling the case I am happy to provide this!

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