Mark Schnurman, The Perfect Franchise Lawsuit: Documents & Timeline
UnhappyFranchisee.Com (UF) is a consumer watchdog website serving the public interest. UF educates and informs prospective franchise investors, sharing complaints, allegations and litigation that could help them make informed investment decisions. For nearly 20 years, Unhappy Franchisee has withstood threats, bullying, intimidation attempts and meritless lawsuits (known as SLAPPs) by franchise sellers and promoters attempting to subvert free speech and freedom of the press. Here we go again… by Sean Kelly, Publisher
Please: Contribute to the FREE SPEECH IN FRANCHISING Legal Defense Fund.
This page provides links to posts, court documents, pleadings, decisions and other resources.

Check back often for updates!
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Press inquiries & moral support welcome. Please email Sean Kelly, Publisher, at UnhappyFranchisee[at]Gmail[dot]com
Broker-fueled Phoenix Franchise Brands Posts
Phoenix Franchise Brands, Greg Longe Running “a Pyramid Scheme” Claims Longtime Franchisee 10/24/24
FETCH! Pet Care Franchise Complaints (Index) 10/24/24
“Semi-Absentee Investor Franchise” is a Scam – Phoenix Franchise Brands Franchisees 11/27/24
Kevin Longe, Greg Longe, Rhino7 Sued for Fraud, Embezzlement 11/17/24
Mark Schnurman, The Perfect Franchise Posts
Guess Who’s Still Promoting Phoenix Franchise Brands? (UPDATED) 12/2/24
Mark Schnurman, The Perfect Franchise, Threatens Me with Legal Action. For Written Slander. 12/6/24
Mark Schnurman, The Perfect Franchise, Contributes to Our Cease & Desist Letter Collection 12/10/24
Mark Schnurman, The Perfect Franchise v Sean Kelly, Unhappy Franchisee Documents

The Show Cause Order – Filed & Withdrawn
Schnurman The Perfect Franchise Rule to Show Cause Order P. 1 1/7/25
Schnurman The Perfect Franchise Rule to Show Cause Order P. 2 1/7/25
Schnurman The Perfect Franchise Rule to Show Cause Order Withdrawn 1/15/24
Mark Schnurman, and The Perfect Franchise, LLV v Sean Kelly, and Relentless, Inc. Complaint
Mark Schnurman, and The Perfect Franchise, LLV v Sean Kelly, and Relentless, Inc. Complaint 1/9/25

Exhibits Submitted After Multiple Requests
Exhibit Emailed to Kelly 1 from Eric Warner 1 1/17/25
Exhibit Emailed to Kelly from Eric Warner 2 1/17/25
Exhibit The Perfect Franchise TPF Exhibit Sent to Court 1 1/17/25:
Exhibit The Perfect Franchise TPF Exhibit Sent to Court 2 1/17/25:
Exhibit: The Perfect Franchise Exhibit Sent to Court 3 1/23/25
Exhibit: The Perfect Franchise Exhibit Sent to Court 4 1/22/25
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Thank you for your support!
Sean Kelly
Tags: Mark Schnurman, Mark Adam Schnurman, The Perfect Franchise, franchise consultants, franchise brokers, Blick Law, attorney Shaun Blick, attornet Eric J. Warner, Phoenix Franchise Brands, Fetch! Pet Care franchise, Furry Land Grooming franchise, Spray Foam Genie franchise, SLAPP, Strategic Lawuit Against Public Participation, PA, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press