Ciara Stockeland

FRANCHISE BUSINESS REVIEW Promotes Illegal Earnings Claims Disavowed by Client

Franchise buyers should be wary of relying on representations made by “research firm” Franchise Business Review, our research indicates.  FBR…

7 years ago

FRANCHISE BUSINESS REVIEW: Justify or Retract Your Bogus Franchise Award

Unhappy franchise owners claim that Eric Stites, Michelle Rowan and Franchise Business Review are misrepresenting their satisfaction and are knowingly…

7 years ago

Struggling MODE Franchise Wins Franchisee Satisfaction Award. Seriously.

Ciara Stockeland’s MODE retail franchise seems mired in turmoil with franchise agreements ending in terminations, take-backs and lawsuits.  How is…

7 years ago

Ciara Stockeland, MODE Franchise: A Fake Success Story?

Ciara Stockeland is promoting herself as a successful entrepreneur and her MODE retail fashion concept as a franchise success story. …

7 years ago